Dover Castle
Dover, Kent
June 2020
35 weeks
phase 1 of the Dover Castle masterplan.
These works at Dover Castle was spread between two cafes, the Naafi which formerly belonged to the Regimental Institute in 1868 and the Great Tower Café which incorporates the historic Bailey wall.

The Naffi
The Naafi construction works involved the installation and coordination of a cantilevered steel canopy, as well as stud walls to host the polar-white counters within the servery areas. The servery areas were equipped with new catering supplies to ensure efficient and quality service to the visitors.
These refurbishment works are to improve counter capacity flow providing more ergonomic use of space by zoning the counter for cold beverages, sandwiches, artisan cakes, hot display, back bar snacks and additional barista coffee machines. The till points are linear along with the introduction of baby/condiment units. Alongside the Front of House counter design, the Back of House dish wash area is reconfigured to provide a safer environment separating stock, clean and dirty crockery.
The seating areas now have had a refresh along with a look and feel that flows between each seating area and counter space. To power the new servery areas, new mechanical and electrical feeds were introduced, as well as a new lighting scheme to enhance the ambience of the dining areas. Externally Walker Construction self-delivered a decking area, which had to be coordinated with an archaeologist throughout the build.

The Great Tower Café and The Keep Café
The Great Tower café works involved installing a steel goal post canopy to frame the servery area.
The Keep café also had catering equipment updates as well as introducing black Corian worktops with an oak finish to the elevations. The lighting was important in this space and involved highlighting the heritage features, such as the arch of the Bailey Wall. The refurbishment upgraded the counter, seating area, customer flow to fit within the desired segment for shared explorers and entertainment chasers.
The design considerations have taken into account the potential location of a new car park and change to visitor flow on site and in conjunction with proposed Interpretation and Play elements as part of phase 1. The works included all aspects of the external and internal refurbishment and decoration works.
There were additional works on this project comprising of the removal of the existing catering equipment, and disposing of waste. Further work to back of house catering area - New flooring/ceiling tiles/ flooring for example and additional lighting to highlight signage.