About Our Business
Walker Construction is celebrating nearly 6 decades in the industry. Walker Brothers was constructing our futures when the average price of a house in the UK was £2530, and man was yet to land on the moon. Our world has seen so many changes over these years and the construction industry has seen trends come and go, and come again
Proud of our past, as we look to our future
"I'm proud of the people and lives that we have stood alongside, the environments we have built, and the communities we have helped thrive.
My Dad Hector, with his brother Steve senior and Ray, banded together, as was needed, to get work, even roping in friends along the way.
Imagine how it feels to start something with your brothers, from scratch. You are just following your nose, trying to give yourself a better life. Then, in your lifetime, you see it grow. It grows so much that when you retire, the organisation is looking after about 200 members of staff, and in turn about 1000 lives. What started as you just going day to day, week to week to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly, now keeps food on the table and roofs over the heads of all these other people."
- Steve Walker

The Walker Book
Writing a book isn’t what most construction companies are known for. However, we're pretty proud of the stories that run through our business. So ... we wrote a book.
We take a look into the past, present, and most importantly, the future of our organisation and the industry as a whole. Dip in and out of this handy narrative and get the straight talking truth about a family business.