Dymchurch Roundabout
Dymchurch, Hythe
June 2021
The S278 Roundabout works in Dymchurch were undertaken to create a new access for the adjacent land to be developed as the infrastructure for a new housing unit.
Prior to the works starting on site, letter drops were distributed to the local residents and businesses informing them of the works to be undertaken, project dates and emergency contact details for the project team. Meetings were held daily with the client and KCC to discuss the needs of the project, arrangement of traffic management plans and how the project was going to be executed with minimal disruption to the general public.
The works were delivered in 3 phases:
Phase 1 works were to the inside of the tip on the land to be developed
Phase 2 was to work up to the kerb face of the existing carriage way (P1 & P2 works offline)
Phase 3 was on the main carriageway and required a permit
Traffic management was installed to undertake the works during the day and the surfacing works were undertaken over 4/5 nights. Inspections of traffic management were undertaken daily and battery checks were undertaken weekly.
The Project Manager offered the client cost saving ideas with regards to the drainage design. The project was delivered on time and under budget.