Oaklands Primary School
Biggin Hill, Kent
July 2018
28 Weeks
JCT Design & Build
The works at Oaklands Primary Academy were carried out on behalf of the London Borough of Bromley.
Walker Construction were required to carry out the design and construction of a new build single storey block to provide 3 classrooms, Resource/Break out space, Plant room, all together with associated external works at the Oaklands Academy site.
This project formed part of a wider programme of school expansions which were required in order to meet demand for primary school places in the local area.

Works were undertaken within a fully operational primary school site and the work was divided into sections under the contract, carefully co-ordinated with school holiday and examination periods. The site was tight and restricted so we worked closely with the client to devise a delivery schedule that met the needs of the project programme without disturbing the public or Oaklands primary staff and pupils working on site.
We ensured deliveries did not arrive on site between 08:00 – 09:00 and 15:00 – 16:00 due to parents dropping off and collecting their children during these times. Our contractors also commenced works on site at 08:00 so we ensured our works and movements did not block parents dropping off or collecting, local roads or accesses to the site. To ensure the safety of staff and pupils we ceased external works and plant movements during break/lunch times.
As Oaklands Primary was a live site, we kept the works area segregated from the public and school staff and pupils via the use of security fencing. We further managed this with plenty of safety signage directing members of the public, staff and pupils away from works areas.